Personal Responsibility, Appropriate Support and Excellent Teaching
At Sirius Academy West KS4 is a 2 year program of study explicitly designed to follow on from the work done and knowledge gained at KS3. We have a broad and balanced curriculum with students being offered pathways that are inclusive of both traditional academic qualifications as well as creative and vocational options that allow every pupil to achieve their potential and reach their next stage.
An ethos of personal responsibility for learning combined with access to appropriate support and excellent teaching is key to the quality of our provision at KS4.
The learning at KS4 is sequenced to build upon the the knowledge and skills gained at KS2 to create a 5 year learning journey that allows pupils to establish new knowledge before demonstrating their ability to apply that effectively. All pupils are supported through individualised support and teaching to ensure they make the best progress that they are able to.
KS4 Curriculum
Every pupil at KS4 will study:
- Maths, English Language, English Literature, Combined science (Or 3 separate science courses)
In addition pupils have the choice of studying a wide range of courses including:
- History, Geography, RE, A modern foreign language, Art, Drama, Dance, Enterprise subjects, Computing, Sport, Food Technology, Engineering, Photography
Within those subject areas there are a variety of qualifications both GCSE and vocational that allow every pupil to follow a curriculum appropriate to them.
How will I be assessed?
Each qualification will be assessed differently, but whether it is mainly exams, or mainly coursework every subject will be able to tell you how you are doing currently and what you need to do to improve your grade.
Will I be able to choose what I study?
It’s important that you have a wide range of option available to you at the end of KS4, so some subjects (English, maths and science) are compulsory. But you also have choices for the remaining subjects.
Will I have to take Exams?
The majority of courses will be examined in the summer of Y11 – to help you prepare for this you will sit mock exams in both Y10 and Y11 and provide you with revision materials and advice.
KS4 Subjects