September Return – Key Information

[07 Sep 2020]

Key information for parents and students regarding our return next week.

We hope all of our students, and their families, have been able to enjoy the summer.  The academy is keen to fulfil its moral duty and support the children and young people in our local area. We have worked hard throughout the summer to adapt to ensure that we can continue to provide the support required by all students and ensure that any risk is minimised.

This week you should receive your September Return information pack. This is year group specific, and thus, for parents with more than one child at the academy, you should receive more than one pack. It contains everything you need to know about the full re-opening of the academy.

One of the big changes since last year is the introduction of separate entrances and exits, inside and outside communal areas, toilets, stair cases, and classroom allocations for each year group. This is designed to limit the number of students mixing at one time.

The links below provide the information in a visual format with additional commentary from Mrs Stephenson.

Students in Years 8-11 can access the videos using their academy computer log-in details.

Year 7 –
Year 8 – 
Year 9 – 
Year 10 – 
Year 11 –

To support the different changes at the academy in the new academic year we have staggered the return dates for all of our students.

Monday 7th September – Year 7
Tuesday 8th September – Year 8
Wednesday 9th September – Year 9
Wednesday 9th September – Year 10
Tuesday 8th September – Year 11

For the initial return phase we have planned that the majority of  lessons will take place in one classroom. In order to limit movement, the onus of moving around the academy, and between classrooms, will fall on the teachers.

Hopefully, you’ve got full uniform ready, with no unnatural hair colours or visible facial piercings.

The information pack also contains details of our new Behaviour Policy and we’d encourage all parents to discuss the key theme of Respect with their child before they start with us. It is expected that all students will carry their own stationery and use this within each lesson. Students will be provided a lanyard and planner on their first day and this must be with them at all times.

The academy will operate a completely cashless system from September. It is essential that parents activate their individual ParentPay account prior to the start of the new academic year.

Enjoy the last few days of summer and we look forward to seeing all of our students from Monday 7th September 2020.

Test link

Test link