Sirius Students Get Creative!
Creative Partnership Project: ‘Around the World – Learning to Learn’
35 Sirius students in Year 8 were involved in a 12 week project exploring new and creative ways in which to learn. The Students worked with 3 residential practitioners, Mike Barfield, Dave Harrison and Jon Robson. Mike Barfield is a writer and broadcaster and worked with the students to understand different ways in which to explore Maths, English and Science topics. Students will be developing ideas based around learning to learn. Pupils discovering ways in which they learn best through the mediums of Maths, English and Science across the globe! Students throughout the project ‘visited’ 12 different countries (Greece, Netherlands, China, Switzerland, Italy, India, Japan, Scandinavia, Spain, Germany, Russia and the UK) and cultures and the learning that goes on in that area. Students learnt how to use a Jpanese Soroban (abacus), Ancient Greek writing and Pythagoras, Roman Numerals as well as making rockets, kites and their own magnifying glasses.
Students experienced different ways of working using visual, audio and kinaesthetic methods. Students were expected to used their personal learning and thinking skills to the maximum in order to complete their given tasks for the day.
Dave Harrison and Jon Robson (cafesociety) are film makers, they worked with students to create a series of learning videos as well as a documentary about the process of the Creative Partnership project. Students learnt how to write scripts, perform in different genres and make their own films. Students created ‘mini films’ based on life at Sirius Academy according to a particular genre (Horror, Mystery, Thriller). Their biggest challenge was to use the information learnt in the ‘international’ sessions and create a learning film based on a particular topic they were interested in.
The results were amazing and the project finale took place on 8th April 2011 in an ‘Oscars’ style ceremony, where all the films were unveiled and premiered for the first time. Students were rewarded for all their hard work with a trophy, certificate and love to shop voucher.
To see the completed videos from the project click on the ‘SIRIUS TUBE’ tab on the website here