Why is the study of PSHE important?
PSHE including RSE, is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to lead healthy safe and successful lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals and members of society.
PSHE prepares students for life outside the classroom and teaches them the skills to make informed decisions about their futures. PSHE contributes to teaching students to be safe, both on and offline. It contributes to personal development by helping children and young people to build their personal identities, confidence and self-esteem, make career choices and understand what influences their decisions including financial ones. It develops self-understanding, empathy and the ability to work with others. These skills will help young people to enjoy health and productive relationships in all aspects of their lives.
PSHE follows the national curriculum themes – personal development, health & safety, emotional well-being and mental health, anti-bullying, behaviour and welfare, British values and social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural education (SMSC including inclusion and equalities).
PSHE Learning Journey – VIEW
Curriculum Implementation
PSHE is taught using the Jigsaw program of learning. This is used in all primary schools in our trust and allows for learning at KS3 to build on learning in KS2. The program covers all statutory RSE from 2021. There are 6 themes in the PSHE program, each theme lasts a half term and is revisited each year to allow learning to be developed in an age appropriate way, building on the prior learning.
Students are taught PSHE by their tutors, this allows them to work with a member of staff with whom they will already have a daily contact. All students in the same year group will study PSHE at the same time in the week.
Students often achieve in PSHE regardless of their educational needs or abilities. This is due to the discussion based nature of the subject. There are no exams in PSHE.
The 6 core themes PSHE is divided into are:
Being me in my world
- Students explore their feelings and how to manage them. They discover the impact that they can have on the people and the world around them. Students will be exposed to different cultures and the way that they live.
Celebrating difference
- Students will learn about how difference does not lead to inequality. Some areas that they will explore are: age, gender, sexual orientation and pregnancy. These areas will be particularly explored in the world of work and the balance of power.
Dreams and goals
- This section will challenge the resilience of the students and allow them to explore difficult situations that may require tactical thinking to overcome. It will challenge he students to develop their own strategies and philosophies of how they approach and tackle challenges that they may face. This may be by taking responsibility or managing the risks that they take.
Healthy me
- Students to go through the choices that they make regarding how choices affect their health, whether it be lifestyle, diet or mental health. It will give the students an insight of the possibilities an outcomes that are associated with their decisions.
- This section will guide the students in to recognising what a healthy relationship should look like and the signs of when something isn’t right.
Changing me
- Students will reflect on what change means and how they act in times of change. It will then help to guide the students to explore different opportunities to encourage positive outcomes.
- The relationships and sex education (RSE) aspect is covered in this section. This supports the students understanding of what sexual health means, whilst underpinning family compositions, partnerships, marriage and friendships.
How can PSHE support your future?
PSHE teaches students the skills needed to become successful and happy citizens in their future.
It encompasses Physical and Mental Health Education, Relationships and Sex Education, Careers Education, Respecting Equality and Diversity, Economic Education and building of skills such as assertiveness and resilience. It is a key subject for life skills and education required for all careers.
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Student Testimonial
“I enjoy PSHE lessons. I think they are the most important subject because we learn the skills we need for our future. We learn how to apply for jobs, how to keep safe and how to look after our mental health. I enjoy the discussions and teamwork activities we do.”