Combined Cadet Force
Our school-based Combined Cadet Force, CCF Sirius was established in 2017, welcoming all students from both Sirius Academy North and West to join this inspiring youth organisation. Lead by Contingent Commander 2Lt Elizabeth Hewitt, our resident WO1 Karen Faulkner, 2Lt Daniel McNiff and our training Sergeant Davent Knapman complete the team. The military uniform issued provides a proud statement of unity, while promotion through the ranks and internationally recognised qualifications empower young people to consider greater aspirations through exposure to broader career opportunities.
The CCF syllabus covers weekly training in field craft, drill, concealment, survival, orienteering and team building. We transport cadets from the North site to Sirius Academy West for Parade and training activities each Tuesday. Overnight exercises and military enrichment / skills-based visits take place throughout the year, including the Memorial Parade in November and culminating in the intensive training week at Summer Camp. We have 11 qualified weapons handlers and of these 7 are trained in shooting. 4 cadets hold positions of responsibility and at our prestigious annual Night of a Thousand Stars we proudly awarded the Old Kingstonian’s Association trophy to our Cadet of the Year, as voted by the contingent cadets and training team. We are proud to be acclaimed as the CCF expansion programme’s flagship school for successfully launching our female-led unit, enjoying privileges in recognition of our continued sustained growth, including the opportunity to represent the North of England Combined Cadet Force at the Great Yorkshire Show. More recently cadets were engaged in an experience day of immersive military vehicles with the Royal Logistic Corp at Leconfield.
Cadets frequently present improved self-esteem, behaviour and punctuality. We have a number of case studies that demonstrate personal journeys, pride and strong friendships, a source of peer support and belonging. Some of our most skilled cadets cite the cadet force as the driving force behind their improved academic performance and behaviour:
“I feel like I belong and I have friends I would never have had outside the cadets”, cadet Y8
“I love the range of training that will help me in my career” cadet, Y10
“I love the camps and the weapon handling – things I never thought I could learn in school” cadet, Y9
“I know that the leadership and critical thinking skills I learn here will help me in any course or job but I really hope to join the military later in life. Cadets is a great way to get started and it builds my confidence to believe in myself and push myself” cadet, Y9