My Ed School App

My Ed School App


To ensure we have effective communication channels with our parents and carers, we utilise the My Ed application which can be downloaded on iPhone and Android devices. This application allows parents and carers to access current information concerning their child, including their time-table, all behaviour events and attendance data.

The application also allows a direct method for the Academy to contact parents and carers and for them to contact the Academy. This is done via an instant messaging service on the application which is monitored by key staff on a daily basis. This method allows parents and carers to report student absence.


Download My Ed


To download the application, search ‘My Ed’ in your devices app store and follow the instructions to set-up.

Please note:
To access the personalised data of your child, the mobile number must be set up as Priority One on our internal system. Students can have joint Priority One contacts to allow multiple parents and carers to access this information. To arrange this please contact the Academy office on (01482) 352939.

Test link

Test link