
Local Advisory Board (LAB)


Sirius Academy West has recently formulated a Local Advisory Board (LAB) whose members have combined skills to offer a wealth of experience to support the Academy in its activities. Members include staff from the Academy, parents and the wider community.

Constitution of the Local Advisory Boards (LAB)

Members of the LAB shall be known as “LAB representatives”.
The Trustees have the right to appoint such persons to the LAB as they shall determine from time to time.

For schools/academies that require improvement or are subject to the Ofsted category of special measures the Trustees may require to appoint or replace members of the LAB.

The composition of the LABs shall be as follows:

  • The Head of School;
  • No fewer than 2 elected parent LAB representatives; and
  • No fewer than 2 community LAB representatives.

All LAB representatives will have 4 year term of office with the exception of the Head of School.

Community Members

Dr Nilanthi Ratnayake
Lecturer in Marketing
Hull University Business School
University of Hull

Dr Antonio C Malfense Fierro
Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Hull University Business School
University of Hull

Business Interests & Meetings Attendance Records

LAB Attendance 2023-2024 – VIEW

Summary of Business Interests 2021/2022 – VIEW
Summary of Business Interests 2020/2021 – VIEW





The Constellation Trust Governance Information

The Constellation Trust Governance Information – VIEW


Test link

Test link