Quality, Enrichment, Personal Growth and Sequenced Learning


The 3-year KS3 curriculum at Sirius Academy West allows students to access a broad curriculum and allows students to continue to study subjects not readily available beyond school, for example, Technology and the Arts.

The curriculum builds upon learners KS2 study and will ensure all develop a love of learning. Students are provided with a wide range of learning opportunities regardless of starting point or social factors and are offered opportunities and experiences that will enable them to flourish as individuals to reach their full potential.

Our students will learn and grow together and will sequentially gather knowledge that will allow all to succeed in the next stage of their education, employment or training. They will develop the personal skills and knowledge necessary to succeed and will equip them to make positive contributions as an adult/member of society encompassing a strong moral code.

KS3 Curriculum

The KS3 curriculum at Sirius Academy West provides:

  • Quality – all learners have access to a wide range of high quality learning opportunities
  • Enrichment – to support the core curriculum through wide ranging opportunities to learn new skills, work with others and get involved in the life of the Academy. This includes a wide-range of enterprise and careers education
  • Personal Growth – through high expectations and the attitudes to learning programme
  • Sequenced Learning – where teachers have time to provide clarity and understanding by correcting misconceptions over a period of time
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