Design and Technology

Key Stage 3

Design and Technology

Why is the study of Design and Technology important? 


Design and Technology/ Engineering is a practical and valuable subject. It enables children and young people to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves and their community. It teaches how to take risks and so become more resourceful, innovative and enterprising. Students develop a critical understanding of the impact of design and technology on daily life and the wider world. Additionally, it provides excellent opportunities for students to develop and apply value judgements of an aesthetic, economic, moral, social, and technical nature both in their own designing and when evaluating the work of others.

Studying Design and Technology/ Engineering includes the use of a broad range of knowledge, skills, and understanding, and prompts engagement in a wide variety of activities. Pupils design and make products that solve problems within a variety of contexts. Through evaluation of past and present Design and Technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and wider world issues such as sustainability.

All around us are products, which have been engineered using creative design and problem solving with effective and skilful manufacture.  This allows to help improve lives’ creating things that may have never existed before or even just make our lives more enjoyable.

Students will be able to use the skills learned in Technology/ Engineering in adult life, regardless of their career choice.  Design and technology will enable students to be able to be able to apply design skills in their own home and be able to apply manufacturing knowledge into DIY projects around the home.  They will also be able to use, project management, time management and problem-solving skills across a wide range of jobs.

  • How will the curriculum be implemented?

    At Key Stage 3, students develop skills in designing and manufacturing and the key theory topics behind this. We will study materials groups such as timbers, polymers and metals where students will gain an understanding of the source of the materials and the impact this may have on the environment.  They will learn about the properties of materials and their suitability for use in the manufacture of products.

    Students will learn about the different tools and equipment within the workshop and the different processes these do. Using this equipment, they will build confidence, safety and accuracy.   They are given time to solve problems through design and make projects allowing time to take risks and gain resilience.  We look at the impact technology has on society and the environment.  Students will learn about how the development of materials can affect the planet overtime.  Students will study the work of past and present designers to help them become more creative learners and will learn how different cultures can be impacted through design.

    In year 9 we start to look at engineering as an industry, building the knowledge of what engineering is, whilst still building on the skills needed for roles within the industry.

  • What will the study of Design and Technology teach you?

    Year 7:

    • Within this year of study, the students will complete their first design and make project, where they will develop their skills in using a range of tools and equipment in the workshop they will also learn how to be safe within a workshop and the importance of this in Engineering. The focus of their project will be about Timbers, the sourcing of timbers and their effect on the environment.


    Year 8:

    • In this year, the students will further develop their design and making skills, and with this they will develop in confidence and accuracy. The project in this year will introduce the students to electronic circuits and the use of polymers in design. They will learn about the sourcing of polymers their impact on the environment.


    Year 9:

    • In year 9, students will start to be introduced into the different engineering disciplines which people choose to work in. They will be introduced to mechanical engineering and how hydraulics are used in machines to help give us a mechanical advantage, they will design and make their own moving hydraulic device, which will further develop practical skill, confidence and accuracy.
    • Students will develop knowledge of Automotive engineering and will use electronic circuits and motors, to design their own moving car.
    • Students will also learn about metals and where they are sourced. They will start to gain a more in depth knowledge of the properties of materials and will further develop practical skills by manufacturing a product using metals.
  • How does the study of Design and Technology support your study in other subjects?

    The range of skills and knowledge that are studied at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are relevant to many areas of employment and further areas of study. If students want to continue their Engineering based education post Y11 there are many college and university courses on offer.

    Students can progress onto level 3 engineering qualifications, where they can specialise within different aspects of engineering, such as electrical, mechanical or motor vehicle.

    Students may also choose to transfer their practical skills across to other subject areas such as plumbing, electrical and construction courses where they can study at college or complete on the job training through and apprenticeship.

    If students prefer the design aspect of the course, they can choose to study A level Product Design, where they will focus on a more creative aspect of designing and making products.

    At degree level, students can choose to study product design or specialise in engineering, such as civil, aerospace or mechanical further developing skills gained form level 3 courses.

Student Testimonial

“It is hands on and fun, and the skills I learn can be applied to DIY projects later in life. I enjoy that I get to make products and be creative in my designs.”

Test link

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