Hitler on Trial – Y11 GCSE History Visit

On the 27th February 2013 a group of 42 students visited the Leeds Varieties Music Hall to attend an exam buster workshop and watch a performance of “Hitler on Trial”. The purpose of the visit was to help the students prepare for their GCSE History exam in June.
The workshop was led by a chief examiner and focused on what the examiners are looking for in exam answers. Students were shown a range of example answers to exam questions, which they had to mark using similar mark schemes used by examiners. They were also given top exam tips.
During the play students had to imagine that Hitler had not committed suicide at the end of World War Two but instead had been captured by the British in 1942 and put on trial for causing the war. The play was set as a courtroom drama with both the prosecution and defence calling witnesses to help them argue their case. The audience took on the role of the jury and had to cast their votes on whether Hitler was found guilty or not guilty. Following a very close vote the jury found Hitler guilty. The performance however ended in a dramatic twist, with an angry ‘audience member’ shooting Hitler. The students appeared to benefit greatly from the day, as illustrated by the comments below:
‘The play was really useful as it gave us a clear, sound knowledge from the perspective of those taking part.’
‘We learnt how to answer the exam questions correctly and how to gain the most marks possible.’
‘The play helped me consolidate my knowledge about the Treaty of Versailles.’
‘It was a different take on learning. Visualisation is great way to learn.’
‘The exam buster session was helpful in learning about exam technique.’