Interstellar Touring Theatre Company

[18 Mar 2015]

Students from the Interstellar drama group have been working with Thom Strid, a professional playwright and theatre director, on a Theatre-in-Education play called “The Silence”. The students Layla Barraclough (Year 7); Matthew Coulter, Joshua Cole, Charlie Brocklehurst (Year 8); Stevie-Leigh Dean (Year 9) and Rosie Mears (Year 11) have taken the play on tour around local primary schools including Rokeby, Francis Askew, Christopher Pickering and Wheeler.

The play, written by Thom, is based on the true story of a girl from Hull who committed suicide due to bullying at school and the Sirius performers also participated in workshops with the primary school students to explore the important issues presented in the play.

This is the first project of its kind in Hull and East Yorkshire and Sirius Academy is the only school in the area that has its own touring theatre company.

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