Living for Sport Project Visit Report

On Tuesday 14th March we held the Sky Sports Living for Sport Project Visit. The Project group is listed below:
Leah Carr Y7
Logan Edson Y7
James Gray Y7
Caitlin Ellam Y7
Toby Dent Y7
Kieran Athraby Y7
Wehad Darwish Y7
Joshua Court Y8
Tommy Clark Y8
Lewis Douglas-Biss Y8
Abdul Ahmad Y8
Shaden Darwish Y9
Viktorija Mykolaityte Y9
Libbi Hinson Y9
Lilly Hodgson Y9
Rachel Featherstone Y9
Bethany Newdick Y9
Luke Carter Y9
Bethanie Stillings Y10
Tireva Ahmad Y10
Lucy Tunstall Y10
Paige Hartley Y10
After running the first few weeks of the Sky Sports Living for Sport project, we were lucky enough to be joined by Commonwealth and World Championship medal winning former GB Badminton player Jenny Wallwork.
All the students were visibly excited as we waited for the final few stragglers to join us at the Shine Club room before we headed upstairs to ransack Mr Chambers classroom to hold the first team building/leadership/self-confidence session. Jenny gave the students an insight into her career so far and what qualities she needed to achieve what she did along with how they could apply those skills to their own situations.
Moving swiftly down to the Sports Hall, we dished out the Tshirts and wristbands which reminded the students of the “6 keys to success” which included:
1) Mental Toughness
2) Hunger to Achieve
3) People Skills
4) Sports and Life Knowledge
5) Breaking Barriers
6) Planning for Success
Jenny then showed us how to use these skills and qualities through a number of different games and activities, which all the students gave their all in!
Break gave the students a change to show off their new tshirts and get some well deserved energy boosts. In the end they were chomping at the bit to get going again!
Period 3 and 4 was alloted to the ‘Shine Games’ which was a combination of a boccia and new age kurling tournaments. These were played in a fantastic spirit with some great sportsmanship on show. I would like to mention Logan Edson and Paige Hartley in particular as they both were outstanding during these competitions.
It was then back over to Jenny who was able to pull together all the strands of the day with some more fun and engaging activities which, again, the students loved and thrived in!
I would like to thank Paul Goforth and Ash Newton for all their help during the day. It would have been a much greater task than it proved to be without their help.
A final mention and thanks, again, for Jenny Wallwork who, after a full day in the academy, had agreed to stay behind and give a speech as part of the ‘Gifted and Talented’ evening. I’m sure all the students in attendance found her as inspiring and engaging as I did.
A huge thank you and well done to all involved, be it students, staff or mentor.