Primary School Y6 Maths and English G&T Challenge

[20 Mar 2018]

On Friday 9th March the academy’s hosted it’s annual Y6 Maths and English G&T Challenge for pupils in our local Primary Schools. Activities aimed at developing the pupils’ skills, in preparation for their forthcoming SATs, were delivered by Miss Oliver, Mrs Bentham, Miss Khatun, Mr Bartlett and Mr Ita, and their team of Y9 leaders.

Massive thanks to the Primary Schools that arranged for their pupils to attend; Ainthorpe Primary School, Acre Heads Primary School, Christopher Pickering Primary School, Francis Askew Primary School, Rokeby Primary School, Paisley Primary School and Wold Academy.

Good luck to all our local Primary Schools and their pupils for May! Mr Gordon and Miss Shaw.

Examples of work can be viewed here.

Test link

Test link