Sirius Academy students prepare for life after education

Year nine students at Sirius Academy were recently given the opportunity to prepare for life in the workplace by taking part in an employability skills day as part of National Careers Week.
The workshop was aimed at raising students’ understanding of skills such as teamwork, building confidence, problem solving and communication, with organisations and businesses including KC, HETA (Humberside Engineering Training Association) and the Army hosting sessions throughout the day to promote those skills.
KC teamed up with educational workshop provider, Engaging Education, to deliver tips on how to communicate effectively before the students split into groups and filmed their top ten tips for effective communication to camera. The best tips will feature on an effective communication DVD which will be shared with young people in schools and colleges across the city.
Pete Rhodes, Director of Citizenship and Careers at Sirius Academy, said:
“The work that KC does on a regular basis with our students is an inspiration to them. The company has been at the forefront of developing student employability and enterprise skills in the city. It is a great pleasure to work with an organisation that takes its community responsibilities so seriously.”
Brendon Smurthwaite, KC’s Community Coordinator, commented:
“Communication is a key employability skill and through the workshop the students learned the many ways in which they can communicate effectively in different situations.
“They really bought into the session and came up with some great tips which will make the DVD good viewing and helpful for young people across the city.”