Sirius Break World Record!

On Friday Y7 and Y8 pathway 1 and 2 attempted to break a world record for the most number of people hopping on one leg at the same time.
The previous record was 492 for 10 seconds.
Sirius Academy students and staff blew this record out of the water and had 533 students all hopping on one leg for 20 seconds!!!
A huge achievement…Well Done!
A thank you and well done must go to Kara Harold, Ryan Fox and Alex Marsham from the Y13 BTEC Sport group for coming up with, organising and running the event as part of their studies in their organising sports event module.
Also a huge thank you to all the staff who escorted their students down to PE from their other classes today.
These include; JSW, DBR, SMY, BSI, KSY, LMO, RPR, SMA, RHY, HAD, PRH, SBN, ERH, EBO, ASH, GBA, AKA, MSM, DRO, RBI, SLZ, HAN!!! (I am sorry if I have missed anyone off!)
Even though it was hectic at times, you did a great job of ensuring they were well behaved and got involved throughout the event.