Sirius host Hull Primary Dodgeball Championships

On Friday afternoon Sirius Academy West hosted the Hull School Games Primary Dodgeball Championships.
This tournament was officiated and led by 16 Sirius students from year 8, 9 and 12. These students shared many roles and responsibilities throughout the championships including refereeing, scoring and time keeping.
I am pleased to say our students conducted themselves in an extremely professional manner, resulting in an enjoyable and successful competition for all involved. Dodgeball is a very fast paced and highly competitive sport which naturally results in high emotions and excitement from those children taking part. Our students were under a lot of pressure to make the right decisions and they all demonstrated confidence to stand by their judgement and enforce the rules.
We had a total of 17 primary school teams taking part, with over 130 primary school children competing against one another. The vast majority of these children will be attending Sirius Academy West as new starters in September so it was fantastic to see them have a positive experience as a direct result of great work by our existing students, who set a brilliant example.
Please congratulate the following students:
Year 8:
Hollie Young, Kirsten Young, Lewis Bibby, Beth Dixon, Amelia Harland, Olivia Langley
Year 9:
Katie Clark, Holly Dodsworth, Luke Riley, Harry Pougher
Year 12:
Luke Salas, Joe Wood, Ryan Hill, Jacob Horner, Jordan Littlefair, Thomas Spurgeon and Cameron Morfitt
Thank you to Mr Rhodes for coming along to take some action shots