Sirius Provide Leadership at Hull Active Schools Events

Primary Panathlon Challenge
The Panathlon Foundation’s programmes inspire young disabled people in special schools and mainstream SEN units by giving new opportunities, which increase their personal skills, social interaction, life experiences, healthy lifestyles, immersing in external environments and help in their evidence towards ASDAN qualifications. The School Games Organiser at Sirius Academy West worked with the Panathlon Foundation to organise a primary school competition at Costello Stadium this term.
The event was a huge success due to the enthusiastic, friendly and professional year 7 sports leaders from our academy who worked in pairs to demonstrate, officiate and score their own mini games. Our sport leaders worked with eight visiting primary schools from across Hull and this was their first time leading a citywide school sport event. A particularly challenging event but this did not phase our students one bit! A few even spent their lunch time brushing up on British Sign Language skills to further support a specific team in the afternoon. Congratulations to all the primary schools who took part in the Hull Panathlon Challenge, we’re looking forward to next year already.
Primary Football Festival
A stable of the Hull Active Schools primary sports programme is the ever popular Inclusive Football Festival held at Goals Soccer Centre. This event caters for young people in primary schools with SEN, providing a fun environment to learn new skills and play some ability appropriate competition. Sirius Academy West provided a team of year 9 leaders who delivered a morning of skill activity and then officiated matches in the afternoon. Our leaders were a credit to our academy and received glowing feedback from the visiting primary school staff who thanked them for providing such a fun, safe and enjoyable day.