Why is the study of Physics important?
Physics is a prerequisite for anyone who wishes to study Engineering or Physics at University. Those who have excelled at GCSE science would be ideal candidates for A Level Physics.
Course Content and Assessment
Course Content:
- Mechanics/Further-Mechanics
- Electricity
- Waves
- Particle Physics
- Fields
- Nuclear
100% Exam
0% Coursework and Required Practical’s
Entry Criteria
5 GCSEs at 4 or above including:
- Mathematics at 5 or above.
- Physics/Science GCSE at 6 or above.
How can Physics support your future?
Career Opportunities:
Students who have taken A Level Physics go on to study Physics at University alongside other complementary subjects. Future opportunities may include professions such as Medicine, Surveying, Engineering, Architecture or Pharmacy.
How does the study of Physics support your study of other subjects?
Physics synthesises well with A Level Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Chemistry. However, due to the difficulty tariff of the subject, it encourages any student to develop their skills in logic and analysis.