#ThisWeekatSAW – 11th February 2022
Message from the Head of School:
Another busy week at Sirius Academy West. Our Year 11s have started their mock examinations and we are incredibly proud of how they have conducted themselves. Students are attending additional sessions, breakfast study groups, interventions, weekends and even revising in the Parkway Restaurant at break and lunch times. Their attendance and behaviour in the examinations and in and around the academy this week has been exemplary. We look forward to another positive week next week.
Mental Health Week has been high profile in Sirius Academy West this week, we have seen student’s pottery making and attending yoga sessions with some fantastic feedback. Well done to all those students who have involved themselves with the amazing opportunities that have been available.
Reading continues to be a priority for our students here at Sirius Academy West and the Academy are launching a Reading Plus programme into the KS3 curriculum. Please encourage and support your child to log on at home and read every day when possible. This will enhance students’ understanding in every subject and curriculum area and give them the best possible chances of success in KS4.
Please continue to encourage your child to attend the academy every day they are able to. Attendance is vital; missed lessons are missed learning opportunities.
Thank you again for your continued support,
Gemma Ransom (Head of School)
RESPECT for Community- General Academy news
Well-Being Week
This week we celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week in the Academy. We offered a range of activities including Self-Defence, Boxercise, Yoga, Music DJ and Pottery Making.
Well done to all students who took part. Offer of support systems from the Academy – VIEW.
Big Bike Ride
Congratulations to all those students that participated in the inaugural Big Bike Challenge this week. Brilliant to see the interest and enthusiasm that exists for cycling in the academy. Well done!
Over 30 participants from a range of Year Groups competed in the Team Pursuit, Kieran and Slow Bike Riding Challenge, as we turned the 4G into our very own Velodrome!
Prizes will be shared with the winners next week.
Team Pursuit Champions
Reece Griffin
Davids Brauns
Kayden Griffin
Jordan Shaw
Keirin Champions
Davids Brauns
Logan Kilgour
Owen Anderson
Slow Bike Riding Challenge
Leo Graham
Olivia Hall
Plans are now in place for similar events as the academy continues to promote sustainable travel.
More information to follow soon when we launch the Big Walk and Wheel in March.
National Apprenticeship Week 2022
This week the students at Sirius Academy West were able to be inspired by local and national companies including Northern Powergrid, Arco, Car Supermarket and Balfour Beatty, about the apprenticeships they offer in the 15th annual celebration of apprenticeships. The theme for this year was ‘Build the future’; enabling our students to learn and reflect on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce with future-ready skills. Students were able to sign up for their chosen event or invited if they had shown an interest in this area and quiz the employers and apprentices, they were then able to add their experiences to XELLO, so they can reflect when making crucial post 16 decisions in the future.
Staff Charity Event
Staff from the Academy will be taking on Mount Snowdon during the Easter break. This is to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Research, in memory of a former colleague. The link for any donations is below: www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sawsnowdon2022
RESPECT for Education- Weekly Focuses
This week the students have completed the following tasks in their Period 6 lessons. Please discuss with them as we continue to develop the knowledge of our students:
Weekly Student Planner Culture Task
As part of LGBTQ+ History Month, this week the students focused on Anne Lister.
Votes for Schools Topic (Key Stage 3 students only)
This week the students discussed the topic of ‘Is the internet driving us apart?’
Character Education
In their time-tabled Character Education lesson, students have explored:
For Years 7-10 students began presenting their small-group presentations on a positive role-model of their choice.
For Year 11 focused on creating revision time-tables to support both their current mocks and upcoming GCSE exams.
RESPECT for Education- Curriculum Area ‘Students of the Week’
Each Curriculum Area will nominate a student each week who has shown through their lessons that they have met the RESPECT values of the Academy. The reason for the selection is highlighted below:
Curriculum Area | Student Name | Reason for Nomination |
Erin Maloney
(Year 10) |
Erin has been working really hard in class and working seamlessly. She wants to do well and always pushes herself to do more. A pleasure to teach. |
English | Elisha Gowen
(Year 11) |
Determination and dedication in English lessons, attending intervention, striving to be the best she can be with a smile on her face. |
Geography | Chidimma Dim
(Year 10) |
Excellent effort, attitude and work ethic in GCSE Geography. |
Geography | Cohen Cass
(Year 9) |
For a vast improvement in effort and work produced in lesson this week. |
Geography | Dana Warrington
(Year 10) |
Constantly works hard in her geography lessons to grasp difficult concepts with ease |
Geography | Archie Duguid
(Year 9) |
Showing great enthusiasm in lessons and retaining key information in respect of our unit on tectonic hazards. |
Geography | Grace Fuller
(Year 7) |
Super attitude to learning recently and working really hard in all geography lessons. |
MFL | Olaf Kaczmarek
(Year 9) |
Excellent effort and always doing extra making outstanding progress. |
BTEC Creative Media | Carter Fenwick
(Year 11) |
Will always respond positively to the tasks he has to do and ensure he produces the best work he can. He always has an excellent attitude and creates artistic work. |
BTEC Creative Media | Lei Gibb
(Year 11) |
Produces work which is proof read and of an excellent standard with creativity and artistic flair. |
BTEC Creative Media | Wiktoria Oracz
(Year 11) |
Always produces excellent creative work and works independently to ensure she reaches her target grade. |
BTEC Creative Media | Daniela Niculescu
(Year 11) |
Works tirelessly to achieve her target grade with high motivation and creativity. |
Technology | Gift Okojie
(Year 8) |
Completing her engineering project and then helping others. |
KS3 Spellings- RESPECT for Education
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be tested each week on a set of spellings. This is to improve their basic literacy skills. We encourage parents / carers to engage in this activity with your child to support their learning. This week’s spellings to be learnt are:
Year 7
- Truncheon
- Emaciated
- Plaintively
- Innocence
- Offensive
- Religious
- Appalling
- Subservient
- Belligerent
- Reconciliation
Year 8
- Clandestine
- Abhorrent
- Corrupted
- Threatening
- Kidnapped
- Disfigurement
- Gruesome
- Paralysing
- Nemesis
- Infatuation
Year 9
- Dismal
- Wretched
- Conceived
- Nausea
- Repulsion
- Duality
- Venture
- Vigilance
- Malevolent
- Mendacious
Final thought
“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best”
The next parental bulletin will go live on Thursday 17th February 2022; enjoy the weekend!
Mr A Kay (Assistant Head Teacher- Pastoral and Attitudes to Learning)