#ThisWeekatSAW – 20th May 2022

[20 May 2022]

Message from the Head of School:


Our Year 11 students continue to make us proud this week with their efforts and conduct in examinations. Students are showing RESPECT for their education and futures by attending revision sessions and weekends in final preparations.

Please continue to encourage your child to sustain their efforts and to continue to attend these additional sessions when possible.

Our Year 7 rugby team students had a fantastic opportunity to train in a work shop with Hull FC on Tuesday before their important match on Thursday. We are all incredibly proud of their attitude and resilience.

We continue to encourage competition and performance for all our students at Sirius Academy West, please check the Sirius Academy West Face book page for updated news on all Academy events and sporting fixtures. With only one week left until the May half term break, attendance to every lesson in every day in every week is essential in ensuring your child does not fall behind with their learning.

Students are continuing to impress us with their attitude towards wider reading. Many of our students are now reading for pleasure over the break and lunch time periods. Please encourage your child to join in and be in the chance for an on the spot reward.

Kind regards,

Gemma Ransom (Head of School)

RESPECT for Community- General Academy news

Facial Recognition

Last week we sent out consents for parents to allow their child to use the Facial Recognition software which will come into operation in July.

This software will help ensure a quicker break / lunch experience. We would appreciate your support by completing the consent ASAP so we can begin to get the pictures taken, ready for a smooth transition in July.

We currently have over 600 students registered.

Year 11 students will not be sent the consent as they will not need access due to the time of implementation.

Year 7 Rugby Achievement

Our Year 7 Rugby boy’s fantastic run came to an end in a close RFL National Cup Semi-Final against Bridgewater High (Warrington). The boys gave everything in a close defeat and will now look forward to their Yorkshire Cup and Hull School Cup Finals in the coming weeks.

As always the boys conducted themselves superbly throughout the day, and even in defeat, showed their maturity and sportsmanship.

Steps to Success Programme

The ‘Steps to Success’ programme is an 8 week personalised programme of interactive workshops designed to engage and empower students to fulfil their potential and enable a long-term, lasting change to behaviours, attitudes and aspirations.

The sessions gave each student the opportunity to reflect on their skills and abilities, increase their understanding of future learning and career opportunities and to think about how they can use the support around them to help them to get to where they want to be.

Rugby information for the coming week

Monday 23rd May- Year 8 Boys at home v Kelvin Hall (Quarter-Final of Yorkshire Plate) 4pm KO.

Wednesday 25th May- Year 9 Girls Hull Schools Cup Competition at St Marys 4pm – 6pm.

Thursday 26th May- Year 10 Boys Hull Schools Cup Final at County Road (Hull FC Training Ground) 4:15pm KO

Year 11 Science Revision Sessions

To help students prepare for Chemistry paper 1, Miss Darby, Miss Allard and Mr Carr will be in school this Saturday between 9.30-11.30am to support students who wish to attend.

RESPECT for Education- Curriculum Area ‘Students of the Week’

Each Curriculum Area will nominate a student each week who has shown through their lessons that they have met the RESPECT values of the Academy. The reason for the selection is highlighted below:

Curriculum Area

Student Name

Reason for Nomination


Jasmine Fielder

(Year 11)

Showing a positive and dedicated attitude towards her Science revision including attending school on a Saturday to prepare for the exam papers.


Lincoln McGahey

(Year 8)

For always giving 100% effort in Spanish. Lincoln is also polite and helpful and a pleasure to teach.
PE Keegan Shaw

(Year 8)

Fantastic batting in Softball, using great technique and knowledge to bat into space to secure runs.

ICT Scarlet O Hara

Liam Wilson

Reece Close

(All Year 8)

Excellent motivation and results on their computer network assessment.


Keira-Leigh Lovick

(Year 7)

Excellent creative coding with the visual coding programme Scratch.

Demonstrated determination and high motivation to make sure her code worked.

Creative Media Summer Walton

Karolina Buzinska

Jacinth Hillerby-Morgan

Amalia Mircea

Harry Willis

Abigale Stamp

Kai Boulton

Erin Maloney

Danny Silburn

Molly Ralph

Stevie Kelly

Jacob Gwinell

Keenen McPhee

Amelie Noble

Kacper Koprowski

(All Year 10)

The following students had an excellent attitude to learning and showed a high level of motivation to make sure they completed the requirements of the client brief in the allowed time frame.

KS3 Spellings- RESPECT for Education

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be tested each week on a set of spellings. This is to improve their basic literacy skills. We encourage parents / carers to engage in this activity with your child to support their learning. This week’s spellings to be learnt are:

 Year 7

  1. Anxiety
  2. Atmosphere
  3. Wilderness
  4. Deathly
  5. Dilapidated
  6. Stealthily
  7. Piercing
  8. Victimised
  9. Threatening
  10. Innocence

Year 8

  1. Acquittal
  2. Beguile
  3. Counterfeit
  4. Thwart
  5. Furnace
  6. Discernible
  7. Indebted
  8. Copious
  9. Immorality
  10. Supercilious

Year 9

  1. Photographer
  2. Transparency
  3. Psychological
  4. Chronological
  5. Uncertainty
  6. Anxious
  7. Confession
  8. Tactile
  9. Desensitised
  10. Agonising

Final thought

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve. The fear of failure”

The next parental bulletin will go live on Friday 27th May 2022; enjoy the weekend!

Mr A Kay (Assistant Head Teacher- Pastoral and Attitudes to Learning)

Test link

Test link