#ThisWeekatSAW – 22nd September 2023

[22 Sep 2023]

Message from the Head of School:


Another fantastic week at Sirius Academy West. Our new Four Seasons expert learner space is open for our students to enjoy on a break and lunch time. Well done to those students who qualify.

I have had the pleasure of visiting lots of lessons this week to observe students’ learning. Students are settled and engaged in their lessons, showing great respect for their education and their futures.

Our enrichment opportunities are now published as well as our sporting trials and fixtures. Please continue to check our Facebook and Twitter socials for an up-to-date view of all Academy events.

Our Showcase Shed and Personal Development Pledges have also been launched in assemblies this week. Please encourage your child to visit the shed at lunch times and engage with the Sirius Pledge program.

As you’re aware, the academy has heightened its expectations for homework this year and it’s been brilliant to see how many students are completing 100% of work set.  Please encourage your child to continue working on their homework and remind them of the facilities available in our Learning Resource Centre: before school, breaks, lunch times and after school to support them in completing this.

Attendance remains a significant priority for the academy for all students. Please continue to ensure your child is attending the Academy every day to ensure no learning is missed. Please ensure your child is bringing their water bottle to school every day as we no longer sell water bottles in an attempt to reduce our use of single use plastics. Fountains are available to fill up bottles with water at breaks and lunch times.

Thank you again for your continued support,

Gemma Ransom (Head of School)



RESPECT for Community- General Academy news


Duke of Edinburgh Award- Year 9 Only

This week, students in Year 9 received an information assembly about the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Scheme.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a highly acclaimed achievement which is considered very favourably with all colleges and future employers.  The programme will give students the chance to develop their independence and teamwork skills while undertaking a variety of new activities over a period of several months.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s award is a fantastic opportunity, and all Year 9 students are welcome to apply for a place.

Applications can be made before the deadline on Tuesday 26th September to Ms Faulkner.


Community Success

One of our current Year 10 students, Kieran S, has received an award from Hudgell Solicitors for his outstanding contribution for fundraising in the community.

A truly amazing achievement and a student we are extremely proud of.



MFL- Poetry Competition

Calling Year 7 and 8 pupils! If you are interested in poetry and want to learn a poem in the language you are learning, please see Ms Dos Reis Silva or Mrs Raczynska to get one. All entries receive a certificate. You will also get the chance to compete against other schools and maybe even be entered into the Global Final!



Our weekly homework expectations are now up and running. The homework platforms are SPARX for Maths and SENECA for all other core subjects. Homework tasks are set to a manageable amount and will be checked weekly.

Each year group will have its own check day, and any students who have not completed their homework by this day will be placed into a homework detention on that evening. The year group check days are:

Year 7- Thursday
Year 8- Monday
Year 9- Tuesday
Year 10- Wednesday
Year 11- Friday

Please ensure you try to support your child in setting effective routines in when to complete homework. ICT access is available before, during and after school in the Learning Resource Centre. There is a space at the front of the student planner for students to write usernames for log-in.


Rugby Information for the upcoming week

Monday 25th September – Year 10 Boys at home v St Marys, 4pm KO

Wednesday 27th September – Year 9 Boys away at St Marys, 4pm KO

Thursday 28th September – Year 11 Boys at home v Winifred Holtby, 4pm KO


RESPECT FOR Education- Lesson 1 Content


This week the students have completed the following tasks in their Lesson 1 lessons. Please discuss with them as we continue to develop the knowledge of our students:


Votes for Schools Topic (Key Stage 3 students only- This is a debate topic with pre-prepared materials)

This week the students discussed the topic of ‘Should artefacts be returned to where they are from?’


Character Education

Character Education is a time-tabled lesson within our Lesson 1 curriculum in which students focus on skills and traits which will allow them to be successful in not only their academic studies but also in other aspects of their life.

Year 7 have begun to explore the five strands of the Character Education curriculum offer and why they are important for future development. These are:

  1. Learning and thinking skills.
  2. Interpersonal communication and leadership.
  3. Financial literacy and employability.
  4. Emotional wellbeing and mental health.
  5. Physical health and energy.

Year 8 have looked at inspirational local people to tie in with their goal-setting focus. These inspirations include ex-alumni from SAW who have gone to professional sport and other areas.

Year 9 have looked at opportunities to expand their goals as they explore the science behind them. They have investigated case studies of success and what it entails.

Year 11 have looked at bucket lists and what their futures may look like if they achieve success in their current studies.


RESPECT for Education- Curriculum Area ‘Students of the Week’

Curriculum Area

Student Name Reason for Nomination
English Aaron L
(Year 11)

Compassionate, kind, and genuinely courteous.


Darcie H and Riley Y
(Year 7)
Fantastic effort and progress in Spanish.
MFL Vinnie A
(Year 7)

Really good effort in French.


Oliwia B
(Year 7)
Fantastic in music, when recalling knowledge of the Orchestra and the unique sounds of instruments
Drama Ava B
(Year 10)

Brilliant effort at the start of her GCSE Drama course and fantastic attitude to learning!


Madison O
(Year 8)
Skilful and controlled drawing skills used to create a realistic drawing of Queen Elizabeth II.
Health and Social Care Sahara-Mae W
(Year 10

For her determination to catch up work due to absence.


Tinashe G
(Year 7
For making a good contribution to the class discussion.
PSHE Paige T
(Year 7)

Fantastic contribution to all discussions and engagement in all topics.


Tyler J
Archie E
Grace M
(All Year 8)
Excellent contributions to the PSHE conversations this week regarding equality.
PSHE Katie B
(Year 11)

For getting on and trying to find out and enter her predicted grades into LOMO.


Madison K
(Year 11)
Excellent effort into writing her personal statement for her college application.
PSHE Alister H
(Year 9)

For paying much more attention and engaging well with the topics on discussion.


RESPECT Nominations from Class Teachers


Year 7    
  Pupil Name Reward Description
Miya H Fantastic contribution during English
Year 8    
  Pupil Name Reward Description
Keigan B Excellent effort in English
Ruby T Amazing effort in English
Year 9    
  Pupil Name Reward Description
Kayne F Really great work in the lesson, much improvement from last week! Keep it up, well done!
Laila G Super effort in science so far – followed classroom expectations superbly
Madison H Excellent effort in English
Jacob L Excellent effort in English
Emily M Amazing attitude towards learning
Antrea N Fantastic attitude during L1
Ruby P Waiting outside the Four Seasons patiently whilst a member of staff arrived. Other students had already entered. Well done!
Zuzanna S Going above and beyond with MFL Homework
Corey W Going above and beyond with Science Homework
Joshua W Waiting outside the Four Seasons patiently whilst a member of staff arrived. Other students had already entered. Well done!
Alice Z Outstanding skills shown in DT when using 2D design. An absolute whizz!!!!
Year 10    
  Pupil Name Reward Description
Macyrose E Fantastic attitude and effort in English
Amber S Excellent work in science – did a great job in her first practical
Year 11    
  Pupil Name Reward Description
Indi H Superb start to the year, excellent effort and great progress by Mr McIntosh
Aaron L Always showing kindness and compassion, being polite and courteous at every opportunity
Carla M Fantastic attitude in lessons towards her work in maths this year

Final thought

“Accept responsibility for your actions. Be accountable for your results. Take ownership of your mistakes”.

The next parental bulletin will go live on Friday 29th September 2023; enjoy the week ahead!

Mr A Kay (Assistant Head Teacher- Pastoral and Attitudes to Learning)

Test link

Test link