#ThisWeekatSAW – 24th November 2023

[24 Nov 2023]

Message from the Head of School:

A fantastic week for sport this week with 3 wins out of 3 in the Yorkshire cup for our Year 7, Year 8 and Year 10 rugby teams. A huge well done and congratulations to all involved. The boys progress to the next rounds with matches next week. Best of luck to them all!

We have seen some excellent examples of KS3 homework, and they are now on show in the Heart Space in the academy this week. It’s been lovely to see students showing as much respect for their education whilst at home as they do in school. I am very proud of all the homework efforts of all students. As you are aware, the homework expectations were heightened from September and students have embraced this and engaged fully in their extended learning. Thank you again to parents and carers for your support with homework; statistics do show that students who complete homework regularly achieve between 2 and 3 grades higher in their GCSE examinations.

Lots remain on offer for students outside of the academy day. This includes breakfast clubs, after school clubs and enrichment, KS3 tutoring, KS4 tutoring and now Saturday revision sessions. Please continue to encourage your child to take advantage of everything we offer at the academy that’s designed to support their academic development.

Our Year 11 students have now completed two weeks of mock examinations and move into their third and final week next week. Their motivation and resilience have been outstanding as well as their conduct before, during and after exams. A huge well done to Year 11 for their continued efforts. Our Year 11 Mock exam results and parental evening has been brought forward to Thursday 14th December 2023 to allow students to access their results before the Christmas break. We encourage all students and parents/carers to attend to allow academic and progress driven conversations for students. This will allow January 2024 to start as effective as possible for all learners.

The academy continues to provide many opportunities for students’ personal development and our personal development showcase board has recently been updated. Please encourage your child to have a look at this on the first floor of the academy to see if their achievements have been chosen to be displayed. I’m very proud of the additional offer we have here at Sirius Academy and would encourage all students to continue trying new things and engage with our wider curriculum, enrichment and extracurricular opportunities. This week our students have planted over 105 trees in the academy as part of the Duke of Edinburgh award. We can’t wait to see them grow. Please check our socials to keep up to date with news and events from the academy.

Attendance remains a priority for all students at the academy, please continue to support your child’s academic progress by ensuring they attend every day. When children miss lessons, they miss key knowledge and find subsequent lessons more difficult to access resulting in lost and or delayed learning. The academy expects to see all students, every day unless they are too ill to attend.

Thank you again for your continued support,

Gemma Ransom (Head of School)



RESPECT for Community- General Academy news



Reminder of homework completion check days for each year group. Students must have completed all set SPARX and SENECA in Year 7, 8 and 9 as well as GCSE Pod and any Option subject homework in Years 10 and 11.


Year 7- Thursday

Year 8- Monday

Year 9- Tuesday

Year 10- Wednesday

Year 11- Friday


Please ensure you try to support your child in setting effective routines in when to complete homework. ICT access is available before, during and after school in the Learning Resource Centre. There is a space at the front of the student planner for students to write usernames for log-in.


Rugby for next week

Monday – Year 8 and 9 Girls Rugby training after school

Tuesday – Year 8 Boys v Castleford Academy, 2pm KO at HOME – all players over to the sports hall for 1:15pm

Tuesday – Year 9 Boys Training after school with Hull FC Scholarship Coach

Wednesday – Year 10 Boys AWAY at Brooksbank – Hired Coach setting off at 11:45am – all players over to the Sports Hall for 11:30am

Thursday – Year 7 Boys v Ryburn, 1:30pm KO at HOME – all players over to the sports hall for 12:45pm

Thursday – Year 9 Boys v Ryburn, 2:30pm KO at HOME – all players over to the sports hall for 1:45pm



RESPECT FOR Education- Lesson 1 Content


This week the students have completed the following tasks in their Lesson 1 lessons. Please discuss with them as we continue to develop the knowledge of our students:


Culture Task

This week students looked at the achievements of Judy Heumann. Heumann is an active campaigner for disability rights, fighting for not only her own education but that of others and various other rights. Heumann has worked as an advisor for the U.S Government serving under President Obama.


Votes for Schools Topic (Key Stage 3 students only- This is a debate topic with pre-prepared materials)

This week the students discussed the topic of ‘Do we know how to support a friend with grief?’


Character Education

Character Education is a time-tabled lesson within our Lesson 1 curriculum in which students focus on skills and traits which will allow them to be successful in not only their academic studies but also in other aspects of their life.

Students in Year 7 have focused on the art of conversation and how to begin, hold and end a conversation with people that they may not know.

Students in Year 8 have focused on acting upon feedback. They have explored the factors which can negatively impact on us taking onboard feedback.

Students in Year 9 have focused on the impact of sleep on our studies. They have explored the six key factors which can have a negative impact on quality sleep routines and patterns.

Students in Year 11 have focused on revision strategies as they work through their mock-exam period.


RESPECT for Education- Curriculum Area ‘Students of the Week’


Curriculum Area

Student Name

Reason for Nomination


Anastasia Z

(Year 7)

Every single week, Anastasia comes in with an amazing attitude and I can always count on her to be highly focused and put in 100% effort!
Textiles Freddie M

(Year 10)

Excellent Textiles work completed over the half term holidays.


Billy D

(Year 7)

An amazing attitude and effort in Drama since moving class groups – well done, Billy.
BTEC Dance Demi G

(Year 11)

For working hard on creating a beautifully complex contemporary/street hybrid dance piece for her component 3 mock.


Denisa L

(Year 10)

Producing excellent work consistently and always working well in lessons.
Health and Social Care  

Vruti P

Tia F

Chloe A

(Year 10)

For their consistent effort in class which has resulted in significant progress in their learning.


Harvey P

(Year 10)

Rebecca L

(Year 7)


Excellent progress and effort in Spanish.


Excellent progress and effort in Spanish.


(Year 7)

Huge improvement in effort, completed work to a very high standard with excellent engagement in the lesson.


Josh S

(Year 11)

Intending intervention and improving his writing in German.
MFL Darwood M

(Year 9)

Engagement and effort in French lessons.

BTEC Sport

Alfie W

(Year 11)

Excellent attitude in his BTEC Sport lessons. Alfie has been working relentlessly on his coursework. He is extremely conscientious in lessons and always tries his best.
Geography Noah R

(Year 7)

Brilliant resilience and effort during class this week. I’m proud of you Noah!


Mary-Kate D

Elika M

Owen G

Owen H

(All Year 10)

Consistent and excellent effort in Geography.
Geography Brooke B

(Year 7)

Excellent effort and focus during this week’s assessment – well done!

Creative Media

Harry B

(Year 10)

Excellent effort and motivation shown towards work in class.
Engineering Jeye C

Dylan F

(Year 10)

For working hard in every lesson and making amazing progress with their engineering drawings and moving on to the extension tasks.

ICT Emily H

(Year 9)

Excellent motivation and focus during computing network lesson.


(Year 7)

Such a great start coming back from half term. Really impressed with the improvements he has made in lessons and absolutely smashing the current topic, Keep it up Kai!


Elizabeth S

Macie K

Riley A

Cythia A

Tommy W

Lucy H

Tilly L

Andrei-Cristian G

King G

Kai W

Hennley B

(All Year 7)

Excellent effort and motivation during Computer Systems lesson and willingness to share ideas and information with the rest of the class.
ICT Kelsie B

(Year 8)

Created an informative presentation about computer networks and explained to the class the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Benjamin F

(Year 9)

Showing really good attitude to learning in the programming unit of Year 9 and has some growing skill in the field! A potential future developer for sure!
Computer Science


Luca B
Ella B

(Year 10)

Both Luca and Ella have been working hard to improve as a programmer with computer science attending extra sessions each week!

Creative Media

Alfie H

(Year 11)

Has been working hard to catch up with missed work and fully focused. Has attended intervention sessions.
Creative Media Reece C

(Year 10)

His Creative Media work is to a high standard and attends intervention sessions to exceed his target grade. An excellent student.

Creative Media

Elsie D

(Year 10)

I am very impressed with Elise’s ATL and analytical skills.
PSHE Lenny F

(Year 8)

Thoughtful comments during discussions on stereotyping and the pressures faced by some young people.


Riley S

(Year 7)

Always engaged in PSHE, sharing his ideas and enthusiastic responses to questions.
PSHE Jacob L

(Year 9)

Always participating in PSHE lessons.


Louis C

(Year 11)

PSHE participation in discussion.
Staff Feedback Donald E

(Year 11)

We were on the same bus this morning and as we were walking towards school, he said good morning to me. I spoke to him about any support in English he may need, and he thanked me and asked if I needed any help carrying my bags!

A lovely young man!


Final thought

“If you’re doing your best, you will not have any time to worry about failure”

Enjoy the week ahead!

Mr A Kay (Assistant Head Teacher- Pastoral and Attitudes to Learning)

Test link

Test link