#ThisWeekatSAW – 8th April 2022

[08 Apr 2022]

Message from the Head of School:


The students at Sirius Academy West have been reaping the rewards of all their hard this week. As well as our planned reward events for students who reached 150 reward stamps in their planners, we have also had a Year 11 visit to The Globe Theatre in London and an afternoon tea today in the Academy.

Our Key Stage 3 students had the pleasure this week of a poetry workshop and our Year 11 students attended our College@Sirius open evening last night to plan their next steps. We are incredibly proud of all our students this term and their efforts to be the best version of themselves.

The Academy will be open throughout the Easter break and students with up and coming exams have been invited in. Please encourage your son/daughter to attend if they have been invited. The examinations are not long away and additional time with their subject specialist teachers will boost their chances in the examinations of achieving their target grades.

We hope you all enjoy a safe and relaxing Easter break and look forward to welcoming the students back into the academy on Monday 25th April 2022.

Gemma Ransom (Head of School)


RESPECT for Community- General Academy news


Attendance- Easter Competition

Congratulations to all the students that received Easter Eggs as part of our attendance incentive for the last six days of the term.

More than 500 lucky winners!

All students needed to do was be here.

The academy’s attendance continues to be higher than the National Average. Thank you.

However, it is vital that more students continue to make regular attendance a habit. This can only be achieved by completing full weeks.

All students will receive a letter during the Easter Holidays with a breakdown of their attendance. This will enable parents and carers to compare attendance across the four different Half-Terms, and with peers in the same Year Group.

We look forward to seeing all students back in the academy on Monday 25 April.

The Big Walk and Wheel

Thank you to all those students and staff that were involved in last week’s Big Walk and Wheel event.

The number of students choosing to cycle to the academy increased by almost 50. Huge impact. Thank you.

This was even more impressive in the cold, rain and snow! Very brave.

As part of the academy’s drive to promote sustainable travel and an active transport, students had the chance to learn more in themed lessons in Year 7 and Year 8, utilise our new bikes across in PE, search for QR Code in the local community, have their bikes checked over by qualified technicians, receive a free Biker’s Breakfast and attend themed assemblies. Lots!

Congratulations to Christen R (Y8), Grace G (Y7) and Dylan D (Y7) for winning the bike vouchers. Enjoy!

We will soon announce the lucky winners of a place on our Mountain Bike Trip to Dalby Forest too.

Students, parents and carers, should contact [email protected] if you would like to know more.

The Globe Theatre Trip

On Wednesday we took a group of Year 11 students to The Globe Theatre in London. The students were absolutely incredible and had an amazing time exploring the theatre and then taking part in a live drama workshop.

Year 8-11 Reward Event


We had a fantastic day yesterday as our Year 8-11 students who had earnt 150 RESPECT stamps throughout the term, were invited to attend a ‘Nerf Battle Arena’. The Year 7 event was postponed due to ZooLab staff absence, it will be re-arranged for Term 3.

Keep your eye out for the whole-school Reward Events for the students who reach 150 RESPECT stamps in Term 3.

RESPECT for Education- Curriculum Area ‘Students of the Week’


Each Curriculum Area will nominate a student each week who has shown through their lessons that they have met the RESPECT values of the Academy. The reason for the selection is highlighted below:

Curriculum Area Student Name Reason for Nomination


David Akazue

(Year 9)

Excellent contribution and a fantastic attitude to learning who always gives 100% and accepts all challenges!
Maths Jodie White

(Year 9)

Jodie has been working incredibly well in Maths this term. She always puts in 100% into every lesson and always aims to tackle the most challenging questions. Jodie takes pride in her work and her book reflects this. She is happy to help others when they need it and always participates in lessons. Well done Jodie!
Science Danielle Bateman

(Year 10)

Consistently performs every lesson. Always produces written work of the highest quality and grasps the high level mathematical components of Science that have been the focus recently. A recognition that her hard work is noticed.
Science Amy Millar and Jamie-Lee Peachy

(Year 8)

For their amazing attitude and work ethic in science.
Technology Aalia Roberts

(Year 10)

For her excellent assessment score and coursework grade in Health and Social Care.
PE Nik Apostlov

(Year 11)

Completing all BTEC Sport coursework to a great level, exceeding his target grade.
ICT Violet Renfree

Harvey Pettingale

Jake Moore

(Year 8)

The pupils created a visual programme using Scratch that was interesting and had movement and variables.


Final thought

“The best therapy is taking a break from routine”

The next parental bulletin will go live on Friday 29th April 2022; enjoy the Easter break!

Mr A Kay (Assistant Head Teacher- Pastoral and Attitudes to Learning)

Test link

Test link