#ThisWeekatSAW – 9th June 2023

[09 Jun 2023]

Message from the Head of School:

The Academy continues to be successful with our sports teams this week with our Year 8 rugby team crowned winners of the Hull Active School Cup Champions. A huge achievement and a big well done to all involved. Year 7 boys have their semi-final game on Wednesday next week at Holderness Academy and are working hard in training to prepare.  Please continue to check our Facebook and Twitter socials for an up to date view of all Academy events and visits and sporting fixtures.

The Academy is also part of a Maritime Heritage Community Event.  This is a project with CAPA students who have taken part in a project funded by Hull Maritime in their CAPA lessons and extra-curricular clubs.  The Maritime Heritage Community Event will be taking place on Wednesday 21 June 3:30-5:30at the Academy at Sirius Academy West and will include exhibitions, singing performances, drama & dance performances and a talk from Dr Brian W Laveray, author of ‘The Headscarf Revolutionaries’.  This is a community event and all parents and carers are invited.  Please come along to see the hard work of these students!  Please look out for further information on our social pages.

Our GCSE examinations have continued after the half term break as strong as they were before. The attendance and attitudes of the students sitting the exams has been incredible. Please remind your child they must remain in the academy after examinations to attend their drop down timetable. This timetable has been created to place them in revision sessions with our teaching experts directly before their next examination, this places the in the best possible position to achieve and attend their next exam with confidence. Students do not have permission to leave the academy during the working day and any students choosing to leave will be at risk of being unable to attend the Year 11 Leavers Festival and Prom.

Please continue to encourage your child to continue working hard every day. Intervention and revision sessions are ongoing every evening and weekend; students should be attending when invited. The sessions over the half term break were well attended and engagement was high. A big well done to all involved. Please support your child’s next steps in education by ensuring they attend and try their very best in every examination between now and the end of the academic year.


RESPECT for Community- General Academy news

Weather for next week

As we are expecting warmer weather next week, please ensure that your child is prepared for this. Water bottles should be brought each day and these can be re-filled throughout the day. Ice-lollies will be on sale during break time service. Decisions regarding uniform expectations will be taken on a day by day basis with students informed in Lesson 1.


Rugby Information for Next Week

Tuesday 13th June – Year 10 Girls Hull Schools Cup Competition at St Marys – 4pm – 6pm.

Wednesday 14th June – Year 7 Boys Yorkshire Plate Semi Final away at South Holderness, 2:30pm KO – students to come across to the sports hall for 12:50pm.

Thursday 15th June – Year 9 Boys Hull Schools Trophy Final v St Marys, 4:15pm KO at Hull FC Performance Centre, County Road.


Sporting Successes

The Year 8 Rugby boys capped another successful season by finishing as Hull Schools Cup Champions after a resounding 40-6 win over Archbishop Sentamu. Ashdon O leading the way with 4 tries.

Walk to School Week

Congratulations to the 30 students that completed part of the Wolds Way Walk prior to Half-Term.

Part of the academy’s celebration of Walk to School Week.

5km. Done!

We were keen to promote the physical and mental benefits of regular exercise and getting out for a walk.

Students were encouraged to send us a photographs and videos of them completing walks. Thank you to all the students (and staff) that entered the competition.

Congratulations to Emma R and her family. A 10 mile walk and over 23,000 steps at Spurn Point. Family vouchers on the way!


RESPECT for Education – Lesson 1 Content

This week the students have completed the following tasks in their Lesson 1 lessons. Please discuss with them as we continue to develop the knowledge of our students:


Culture Task

This week to recognise our assembly theme of PRIDE Month, students looked at the achievements of famous tennis star, Billie-Jean King. King achieved many things during her career, winning 19 major titles as well as becoming the first athlete to come out as gay in her career. Furthermore, King was an instrumental figure in setting up the LTA which helps bring equality for women’s tennis.


Votes for Schools Topic (Key Stage 3 students only)

This week the students discussed the topic of ‘Are difficult exams good for assessing students?’


Character Education

Character Education is a time-tabled lesson within our Lesson 1 curriculum in which students focus on skills and traits which will allow them to be successful in not only their academic studies but also in other aspects of their life.


This week students have focused on:

Year 7 students have completed a re-cap of their growth mind-set module in preparation for this half-terms’ module on creative thinking.

Year 8 to 10 students have completed a re-cap on physical activity and the benefits in preparation for this half-terms module on asking for effective feedback.


RESPECT for Education- Curriculum Area ‘Students of the Week’

Each Curriculum Area will nominate a student each week who has shown through their lessons that they have met the RESPECT values of the Academy. The reason for the selection is highlighted below:

Curriculum Area

Student Name Reason for Nomination
Character Education Macie K
Christen R
(Year 9)

Contributing brilliant answers during Kevin’s presentation.

Animal Care

Mateusz K
(Year 10)
Being incredibly helpful when dealing with the animals as well as being kind to others.
Health and Social Care Katie B
(Year 10)

For excellent recall on Legislation in Health and Social Care.


Kiara W
Grace M
Rehab A
(Year 7)
Very engaged in the Algorithm lesson and designed an algorithm for a robot to do a daily routine.
Creative Media Hannah S
Dlsher Z
Emma S
Daniella A
Angela A
(Year 10)

Excellent work with investigating  media products and creating and editing graphics using Adobe Photoshop.

Technology Mary N
(Year 8)

For following instructions and her excellent use of the ‘2D Design’ computer programme in her technology lesson.

KS3 Spellings- RESPECT for Education

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be tested each week on a set of spellings. This is to improve their basic literacy skills. We encourage parents / carers to engage in this activity with your child to support their learning. This week’s spellings to be learnt are:

 Year 7

  • Enigmatic
  • Insidious​
  • Servitude
  • Ravenous
  • ​Sanguine
  • ​Insatiable​
  • ​Impalpable
  • ​Deafening​
  • ​Reticent
  • ​Treacherous

Year 8

  • Victimisation
  • Depravity​
  • Harassment
  • Empathy​
  • Aggressor
  • Acceptance​
  • Exploitation
  • Inevitable​
  • Determination
  • Dearth

Year 9

  • Admiringly​
  • Conceited​
  • Empathetic​
  • Judgemental​
  • Unapologetic​
  • Poignant​
  • Enthusiastic​
  • Excitement​
  • Tentative​
  • Tolerant


Final thought

“If you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got”

The next parental bulletin will go live on Friday 16th June 2023; enjoy the week ahead!

Mr A Kay (Assistant Head Teacher- Pastoral and Attitudes to Learning)

Test link

Test link