Wold Academy Get ‘Siriusly’ Arty

Year ten Art Leaders have been showing Wold Academy around a paint palette in a 3 week long Pop Art masterclass. Working with three different classes from year 5, the group of 8 delivered 3 exciting sessions focusing on the development of a Andy Worhol inspired piece.
Week 1 of the sessions saw Wold students researching the famous artist Worhol and designing their own chip spice packaging, keeping in line with the Hull: City of Culture 2017 theme. During week 2, the students enjoyed rolling up their sleeves and getting messy in their experimentation phase, using different media such as chalk, paints and pastel. After deciding on their favourite, the students worked carefully worked on their final designs, which were enthused with colour and eye-catching images.
Led by Miss Morris, the students set out planning their sessions independently and crating an array of attractive resources for the students at Wold to use. As the weeks went on, the confidence of the leaders continued to grow as they built a strong rapport with the children in the classrooms they were working.
The staff at Wold Academy were very pleased with the quality of the work produced by their students and highly impressed with the way that the team of leaders conducted themselves. Therefore, please congratulate the individuals should you pass them in the Academy as they were a real credit to the school:
Abbie Bradley
Chloe Barnes
Charlotte Wilkinson
Kavita Hembury
Marta Plotere
Yinglin Chen
Lauren Chadwick
Faye Potter
A special mention goes to Miss Morris and Miss Field for their hard work and support with the project.