Y5 Sirius Sports Stars Talent Camp – Visit to Welton Waters Adventure Centre

[29 Jun 2018]

80 year 5 students joined Mr Gordon and Miss Shaw for a reward trip to Welton Waters Adventure Centre on Monday 25 June 2018 for a fun filled multi-activity day. Students in attendance came from 8 different primary schools including Acre Heads, Chripstopher Pickering, Hessle Penshurst, Eastfield, Wold, Paisley, Bricknell and Francis Askew. These childrenqualified for the reward having shown excellent commitment to our Y5 Sirius Sports Talent Camp programme over the last year.

The day could not have been better chosen with the weather forecasts claiming it to be the hottest of the year so far. Lathered in suncream, students enjoyed an array of activities such as land based team games, canoeing, gig sailing and raft building. 

Within team games, students worked co-cooperatively to solve problems and developed leaderships skills. For instance, students competed in groups to fill up a large container to the top with water to retrieve a floating ball using a bucket full of holes. Albeit being the only activity on land, the children ended up getting absolutely soaked!

During gig sailing, students worked with activity leaders to navigate a large boat around the lake. This involved controlling the sails using ropes and steering. The one downside to the weather was that there wasn’t a great deal of wind meaning some groups needed to put in some work paddling to get going. 

Raft building saw the children planning as a team and communicating effectively to design and build their ownflotation device. Students practised tying knots which held their contraption together. The interesting part came when it was time to test them in the water to test if they were going to sink or swim!

Canoeing was a highlight for many of the children. Students co-ordinated their strokes of the paddle in order to race to the other side of the lake. Once they reached their destination, students were challenged to swap canoes with others with only a small plank of wood connecting the two. Students eventually worked out a way to swap successfully without a mouthful of salt water and finished with a quick swim around the area.

At the end of the day students were invited to join in a spot of jetty jumping. An impressive display of bombs, star jumps and front somersaults helped the students cool off from the heat and rounded the day off before the presentation of certificates.

Thank you to Mr Smith for transporting students to and from the event. Thank you to the staff at each of the respective primary schools for their commitment to the programme over the course of the year.


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