Y6 Welcome Night – Globe Competition Prize Winners
Students were challenged to discover their hidden depths at the Year 6 Welcome Night which took place on Thursday 18th May in a variety of ocean themed activities. On the night students were invited to take part in a competition to search for and find 5 inflatable globes hidden around the Academy and correctly identify a number of oceans. This tested students geographical knowledge as well as their ability to use a map correctly in order to navigate effectively around their new school for September.
Those students who returned their forms to the red post box with all answers correct were entered into a prize draw. Please find below the names of the winners which have been chosen at random, along with their reward.
Family Ticket to The Deep – Joseph Braithwaite – Christopher Pickering
Robo fish – Evie Shepherdson – Wold Academy and Archie Critcheson – Rokeby Park
Sea Monkey Kit – Eve Wallis – Acre Heads, Harry Wilson – Penshurst and Ashley Sailsbury – Paisley
A big well done to the winners. Please expect a special delivery to your primary schools in the next week from Mr Gordon or Miss Shaw.