Y6 Welcome Night – Prize Winners

Miss Shaw has been busy today visiting a variety of primary schools in the area to deliver prizes to the winners of the competition which took place at the Year 6 Welcome Night on Thursday 18th May. Students were challenged to find 5 inflatable globes and correctly identify oceans from around the world. All students who returned their forms to the red post box with answers correct were entered into a prize draw. Please find below the names of the winners which have been chosen at random, along with their reward:
Family Ticket to The Deep – Joseph Braithwaite – Christopher Pickering Robo fish – Evie Shepherdson – Wold Academy and Archie Critcheson – Rokeby Park Sea Monkey Kit – Eve Wallis – Acre Heads, Harry Wilson – Penshurst and Ashley Sailsbury – Paisley
A big well done to the winning students and we hope you enjoy your prizes!