Year 13 Sport Coaches!
Yesterday, 7 of our year 13 BTEC sport students represented the academy as young officials and leaders at a New Age Kurling competition at Costello Stadium. This event was organised by both Hull City and East Riding Council sport development teams. A total of 16 local care homes and day centres attended the competition, 8 from Hull and 8 from East Riding. New Age Kurling is a fully inclusive sport and has many adaptations and rules catering for people of all abilities. This was a fantastic opportunity for our year 13 BTEC sport leaders to test their leadership skills and gain valuable experience in a demanding environment whilst working with adults with a range of disabilities.
Our students took on a number of different roles throughout the day and all helped make the event a huge success. Harry Brigham had the important job of registering teams on arrival and then assisted the event organiser in tallying up league tables and points to determine the qualifying league tables and knock-out fixtures. Alex Marsham and Kara Harold both assisted coaches from East Riding sports development on separate courts. Their roll included officiating matches, keeping a record of the scores from individual games and also assisting the participants take part. Ryan Fox, Jodie Stanford, Josh Milner and Courtney Lawrence had the difficult task of managing their own individual courts, announcing fixtures, recording results and enforcing the rules all without the help of a sports development coach.
Adam Swan, disability community coach at East Riding council, sent the following message of praise.
‘I would just like to say a big thank you for all of your young leaders that attended the Hull and East Riding New Age Kurling competition at Costello yesterday. A lot of the day centre staff passed on messages to me at the end saying how helpful and professional the young leaders were throughout the day. I hope they gained valuable experience from the day and enjoyed working with disabled adults. Please can you pass on my thanks again, and if we have another competition in Hull I will in touch.’
Please congratulate the following students for their involvement and professionalism on the day if you get the chance! Photos attached!
Alex Marsham, Courtney Lawrence, Harry Brigham,
Jodie Stanford, Josh Milner, Kara Harold and Ryan Fox