Year 9 take GEW Secondary by Storm
Friday 21st November 2014 marked the wind down of a fabulous Global Enterprise Week. Year 9 Sirius Academy students took part in an enterprise event at the Guildhall to showcase their entrepreneurial skills. Two teams pitted their wits against other schools, after working their way through an enjoyable but challenging ice breaker bridge task, participants received a special speech from the Mayoress of Hull as well as a ‘success masterclass’ from Andy Parker, creator of the ‘Jove Bunny’ and the ‘Tidy Boys’ label. After a first class lunch, students were set their main challenge, set by sponsors Sangwin. Students had to create a ‘media unit’ for 20 new classrooms that will be built in one of the new Academy schools. As well as identifying key furniture, students had to cater for their target market and identify any new equipment that they felt would enhance learning in a 21st century classroom. Competition from Newland School for Girls and Kelvin was fierce, one Sirius Academy team made it through to the final 6 teams to present. Placing in the finals automatically entitled students to receive a monetary reward but our Year 9s wanted the title. They were the first to pitch on the stage and wowed the judges with their innovative classroom designs that could be easily adapted especially to suit students with various learning needs, a key element that other contenders had failed to include. The Judges had heated debates about what order the top 3 should place, their final decision placed Sirius in 3rd placing, winning the team of 6, £150 prize. The Judges said how impressed they were with the professionalism of the finalists, the youngest contenders at the event. Massive, and well deserved congratulations to Sam Tate, Alexander Stewart, James Jackman-Wright, Joshua Hayes, William Simms and Kieran Bartlett for their performance and success. They were outstanding and a credit to themselves and another great example of the flourishing enterprising talent within Sirius Academy.