Young Writers Grim Tales
The winners of the Young Writers ‘Grim Tales’ competition were invited by Dr Taylor into the LRC to recognise and celebrate their success in this nationally-run initiative. The competition required students to compose a story with a ‘sticky’ or ‘grim’ ending in exactly 100 words. This brevity of composition requires a specific skill and the students’ creations, which were judged to be of exceptional quality, were then included in the anthology of stories. A copy of the anthology has now been lodged at libraries and institutions nationwide for anyone to view. Pictured with Mr Little (KS3 Co-ordinator in English), who ran the competition, are: Abigail Hattersley, Viktorija Borovika, Kaitlyn Jasper, Favour Dim, Luke Riley, James Metcalfe, James Holdstock, Chloe Maestre-Bridger. Andrew Walker, Mollie Longden and Harley Robinson were unavailable. Well Done to all eleven students!