BTEC Digital Information Technology (Level 2)

Key Stage 4

BTEC Digital Information Technology (Level 2)

The future is at your fingertips


Digital technology is everywhere; on average we have 2 devices for every 1 person on the planet but most of us use them without even thinking about it and they are constantly evolving.

This course looks at how and why our devices are designed the way they are, the project planning that happens every time we create a new or tweak an existing interface. The collection and processing of data behind every choice.

Before, finally exploring how to utilise the technology at our fingertips to better understand the future and take up our place in the new digital workplace.

  • What will I learn in Component 1?

    Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

    This component is aimed at exploration and creation of the interfaces between humans and our devices. As part of this course you will investigate a wide range of different types of interfaces, the design processes behind each of them before having the opportunity to create your own interface design.

    In this component you will do the following:

    • Investigate design elements used when designing interfaces for individuals & organisations.
    • Explore a wide range of time management planning techniques.
    • Explore a wide range of graphical design documents used when designing a user interface.
    • Develop and review a user interface.
  • What will I learn in Component 2?

    Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data

    This component is aimed at the biggest resource of our technologically driven world, Data. This is aimed at how to process a set of data, convert it into infographic dashboards and demonstrate how a business would be able to use that dashboard to make decisions. Data is the new Oil!


    In this component you will learn about:

    • The role and impact of using data as an individual.
    • The role and impact of using data as an organisation.
    • Creating a dashboard using data manipulation tools.
    • Using that dashboard to draw conclusions and review data and use presentation methods.
  • What will I learn in Component 3?

    Effective Digital Working Practices

    This component is aimed at ensuring all people who complete this course are fully prepared for the future technology in the workplace. Exploring how IT Professionals work with current and emerging technology to achieve their day-to-day jobs as safe and efficiently as possible.


    In this component you will learn about:

    • Different modern technologies and their impact on an organisation.
    • Threats to digital systems and how an organisation can manage them.
    • How to responsibly, legally and ethically use data.
    • Planning and communication in digital systems.

Student Testimonial

“I love the fact that this course is going to teach me skills I cannot learn ion other options. It will give me a head start when I look for a job”

Jamie Yr 10 student

Test link

Test link